Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 2, 2013
My Father's smiting hand will bring justice!
- Message No. 257 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter. Yes, you saw Me in Heaven on the Cross and also the Holy Spirit of My Father sent to enlighten the world and the hearts of Our children on this so beautiful earth.
Enjoy the last days that remain to you, because soon everything will be different. First, suffering, a lot of suffering that will make many tears flow, will overtake your so wonderful world that a few began to destroy, through greed and avarice, through obsession with power and control.
There have always been these terrible egocentrics and egoists, and now they have "conquered" your world and spread their "disease" worldwide. More and more of God's children have been contaminated by the "disease of sin", and now it has come to the point that you are dominated by the beast.
Your wonderful world is now coming to an end, for the smiting hand of My Father will bring justice, i.e. those who are faithful to HIM HE will save through Me, your Holy Jesus, but those who do their mischief on your earth and with the children of God so beloved by Us will be punished.
Whoever does not convert in time and desist from sin will experience a rude awakening, but whoever is well and faithfully devoted to the Lord will be given the New Kingdom.
My children. My children so beloved by Me. Wake up and turn back! Give Me, your Jesus, your YES, and then run into the holy, loving and open arms of My Father, who is the Father of us all!
Enter with Me into the New Paradise and finally live as happy and free children of God, for peace will be given to you, your worries will be taken away from you and happily, contentedly and fulfilled you will live by My side.
But those who do not give Me their YES: Be warned you lost, unhappy souls, for you are building your future on sand! Everything will be taken from you, and never again will you experience joy and happiness. You will be eternally unhappy and sad and mourning your existence, because your soul, which is immortal, will suffer for all eternity and will be tortured, tormented and burned.
Turn back, then, and come to Me, that I may also take you with Me to the New Jerusalem. As soon as you are with Me, I hold you in My arms and at last you can be completely YOU and without pretense. Believe, My child, because I love you. This is how it will be. Trust in Me.
Your Jesus who loves you so much. Redeemer of all God's children.
"Please turn back, My so beloved flock of children! Your Mother in Heaven."
Source: ➥